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Hostel & Safety Rules

  • In the hostel the students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner, which does not cause offence and inconvenience to other hostellers.
  • The students must observe complete discipline inside the hostel premises and see that no wasteful, improper and destructive use is made of amenities such as water, electricity, furniture, etc. The students shall be responsible for any damage done in the building or any other articles in the hostel, and will be required to pay for the damages as decided by the Competent Authority.
  • Each student must ensure that his/her action does not lead to breach of privacy or cause inconvenience to other residents of the hostel.
  • The student must observe decent behavior so that it does not cause disturbance of any kind to his/her fellow residents.
  • No hostellers are permitted to keep any motorized vehicle on campus or anywhere in Dehradun.
  • Students shall be in the Campus/Hostel premises by the designated time as decided by the Competent Authority.
  • A student shall occupy the room only when a hostel seat is allotted to him/ her in the hostel and shall not change the same without permission.
  • Hostel students shall not stay overnight out of the hostel without permission of the official designated by the Competent Authorities. Prior permission for night out must be sought in writing, indicating the address with telephone number at which the student will be spending night.
  • Under no circumstances, the boys and girls are permitted to enter the rooms of each other.
  • Gambling, possession and use of alcoholic drink and narcotics anywhere within the hostel premises or Campus is strictly prohibited. This is in accordance with the legal requirements of the State Government and breach of this clause under State laws will be dealt with according to law.
  • No celebrations or social gatherings shall be held in the hostel premises without the prior permission of the Competent Authorities.
  • Silence period must be observed from 10.30 pm to 6:00 am by hostellers.
  • Complaints, if any, about the staff working in the hostel shall be made to the warden. Under no circumstances the students will abuse or assault any member of the staff.
  • Hostel seat is not a right. It is a privilege which demands disciplined behavior from the inmates at all times. The hostellers must attend all classes and appear in all tests and exams. They must abide by all hostel rules and ordinances in letter and spirit.
  • Hostel accommodation will be made available to a student only for the stipulated actual duration of the program.
  • The student will be required to sign the receipt of the items of furniture and fixtures to be used by them. They will be responsible for any damage to any furniture and fixture or the property of the rooms. While vacating the hostel, every student shall handover the charge of the furniture and other provisions in the room to the warden.
  • If the student locks the room with private lock and leave for vacation, the keys to the room should be handed over to the warden for necessary inspection and to cater emergencies.
  • Security of students’ belongings is their own responsibility. The students have to make sure that they lock the rooms properly before they leave their room. Any theft should immediately be reported to the Warden and Competent Authority.
  • The officials of the University have the right to inspect any hostel room at any time.
  • No guest will be allowed to stay overnight in the hostel rooms.
  • Non-resident students are not permitted to enter the hostel without prior permission of Competent Authority.
  • All the visitors including non-resident students should record their details of visits in the register kept at the hostel reception.
  • Food will not be served in the hostel room unless a student is sick and unable to move out to the dining room.
  • All cases of sickness must be reported immediately to the warden/competent authority. This is a joint responsibility of the sick student and his/her roommate and those in the adjoining rooms. Emergencies or accidents should also be immediately reported to Wardens and Chief Warden.
  • The University has right to change the allocation of rooms or get the rooms vacated anytime if exigency demands.
  • The visiting hours of the guests of the student will be determined by the Competent Authority and during that period only the guests can meet the student in the designated areas.
  • The University reserves right to change any or all the rules without prior notice.
  • Students should be punctual for meal and must be properly dressed while dining.
  • Students are neither permitted to use private electrical appliances nor would tamper with electrical fittings provided in the rooms.
  • Intoxicants, Liquor, Tobacco, Explosive and/or Weapons (knife etc.) cannot be kept/stored by the student in the hostel premises. Burning crackers, playing with colors and celebration of birthday party etc. is prohibited within the hostel premises.
  • Student should have smart bearing when going out of the hostel always using dress befitting the occasion and place of visit.
  • Discussion on ladies, politics and religion is completely forbidden in the hostel, dining hall and cafeteria.
  • Student taking part directly/indirectly in any movement or agitation or strike in the University for any reason whatsoever will be punished, rusticated or expelled from the University, which in the opinion of the Competent Authority is violation of the University discipline.
  • No visitor will be invited to take part in any meeting or function without prior permission of Competent Authorities.
  • In case a student wants to stay out of the hostel for the night or leave the station, he/she should submit a request in writing to the Chief Warden and obtain prior permission.
  • No student will be permitted to enter the hostel after the roll call unless he / she produces a written permission obtained from the warden.
  • Even during prescribed time for visit, visitors are required to make entry in the register kept for the same.
  • Strict security rules have been enforced for security of the students in the campus. Students are required to follow the safety rules and adhere to the instruction issued by the University from time to time in this regard. The University has made adequate security arrangements for the safety of the students 24x7 but cannot be held responsible for any mishap that arises out of the reasons beyond its control.
  • The University campus is under 24x7 CCTV surveillance.