DIT University DIT University

Teaching Learning

Outcome-based Education

DIT University endeavors to follow the Outcome-based education from 2017 batch and onwards under the choice base credit system (CBCS) curriculum across all programs offered. It is targeted at achieving desirable outcomes (in terms of knowledge, skills, attitudes and behavior) at the end of a program. Teaching with this awareness and making the associated effort constitutes outcome-based education. This entails a regular methodology for ascertaining the attainment of outcomes, and benchmarking these against the program outcomes, consistent with the objectives of the program.


Obe Framework

  • Identify & define the learning outcomes at all levels and explicitly document the same in the curriculum.
  • Organizing the teaching and learning activity through student – centered activity and project base learning.
  • Assessment and evaluation at all levels of learning outcomes i.e. PEOs , POs and COs