The lab content comprises the high frequency sources as Klystron & Gunn diode and different microwave components are Isolator, frequency Meter, Slotted line carriage, wave guides, magic TEE, H-plane TEE, E plane Tee junction and horn antenna radiation parameters. Gunn Diode and Reflex Klystron Characteristics, VSWR wavelength Measurement, Impedance and Frequency Measurement, Scattering Parameters of Magic Tee, Directional Coupler, Radiation Pattern of Horn Antenna
Antenna lab
The lab course provides an understanding of the Antenna Transmitter and Receiver trainer for different type of Antenna and transmission parameter, field radiations & antenna parameters Basic antennas & parameter measurement (gain Directivity efficiency, beam efficiency) designing of Microstrip antenna using ADK software.
To attain knowledge on the basic parameters those are considered in the antenna design process and the analysis while designing the antenna. To analyze the designed antenna and Array system, field evaluation under various conditions and formulate the electric as well as the magnetic fields Equation set for Far field and near field conditions.
Analyze the radiation patterns from various basic antennas. Design procedure of a Microstrip antenna using HFSS software shown in below diagram for better understanding of students.