DIT University DIT University

Professor and Dean - School of Physical Sciences

Dr. Naresh Mohan Chadha

Professor and Dean - School of Physical Sciences

Dr. Naresh Mohan Chadha
  • Scientific Computing, Applied Mathematics, Mathematical modeling, Non-linear differential Equations from Plasma Physics, Adaptive mesh generation, Singularly perturbed Differential Equations and their numerical treatment.

    Dr. Naresh M. Chadha is working as Dean, School of Physical Sciences, and Professor & Head in Department of Mathematics. He earned his PhD from Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland; Postdoc from National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland. He is recipient of prestigious Royal Irish Fellowship award and he has more than more 22 years of experience in teaching mathematics both in India and abroad.

Dr. Naresh Mohan Chadha

Dr. Naresh M. Chadha is working as Dean, School of Physical Sciences, and Professor & Head in Department of Mathematics. He earned his PhD from Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland; Postdoc from National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland. He is recipient of prestigious Royal Irish Fellowship award and he has more than more 22 years of experience in teaching mathematics both in India and abroad. His research topics include (1) Adaptive mesh generation, (2) Devising novel algorithms for advection dominated problems, (3) Mesh free collocation methods, (4) Scientific Computing and mathematical modeling of real world problems. He has published several scientific research papers in the leading peer-reviewed journals in his area, and have participated in various international conferences. Recently, he published a book titled PROGRAMMING IN MATLAB WITH APPLIED NUMERICAL METHODS FOR ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS. The book is available in more than 130 countries via Amazon platform.

Computer Based Numerical Techniques, Computational Techniques and Programming, Scientific Computing with MATLAB, Engineering Mathematics I and II, Calculus II, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Matrix Algebra.